Understanding the Concept of Spiritual Formation and its Importance
We all are spiritual beings who have a physical body that has a soul inside. Our lives are driven by unseen parts of us, which makes us unique from every other individual. There is an immaterial center in us that makes us think differently, act upon various decisions, and decide how the world sees us. Overall, it makes us shape ourselves in the way we want. Spiritual formation is about developing our inner life and understanding who we really are and what we want. There are various centers for spiritual formation that help us understand our true inner selves.
With the process of spiritual formation, we develop a deep understanding and bond with God, which makes us meet our true selves. It is about understanding what Jesus taught us and following his paths. But to become a Christlike character, you must understand what Jesus wanted us to believe in and follow for a happy and peaceful life.
Importance of Spiritual Formation
It is the closeness with God that gives us true happiness and freedom. All this time, we have been trying to follow the path that Jesus left for us but failing every time because of the simple things we neglect. We keep trying to find happiness, the feeling of empathy and fill in our lives with the presence of God. This is the main problem. This just distracts us from the goal and tires us out. Nowadays, we invest time and money in our physical needs and neglect our souls. A happy soul is more attractive than an appealing body, and we fail to understand this.
Spiritual formation is about bringing out who we really are and focusing on the things that make the people around us happy while making us feel a part of God. That is how God intended us to be - to live for others' happiness and extend our relationship with people beyond our community or interest. With spiritual formation, we recreate our relationship with God, which is the eternal feeling that we need to experience in our lives. Justin Giboney, attorney, and political strategist, also believes in spiritual formation and educates people about its importance. He leads various campaigns to provide people with the perspective to believe in God and follow his path.

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