
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Importance of Peace Making In Building a Community

What is it that makes a society worth living in? It is the people that live around us. Living in peace is both an inward as well as an outward process. Inwardly, we need to find in our hearts the things that make us fearful of losing our temper and jumping to violent ways. Outwardly, it is a way of life where we treat each other equally and love others despite their culture, caste, religion, or political differences. Peace making is as important as living a healthy and balanced life.   You can practice a few things in your everyday life to make your life more peaceful and live in harmony. Peace seeking is what makes us curious to understand the people around us better, so here are a few things you can adopt in your life. Don’t try to control people, but try to live with the fact that every individual is not the same. What you expect from someone will not guarantee the same results. So, rather than controlling someone else’s nature or behavior, try to adjust yourself and make peac

Practicing Jesus’ Learning for Peace Making & Peace Building

We all are living in an era where people are fighting over things that make no sense or can be resolved with talking. But, what should actually be done is to talk the problem out and solve it in a non-violent way. This is what Jesus had taught us. Learning from Jesus and the justice conference are all about choosing the right path that makes you want to make peace with everyone irrespective of everything. In today’s time, we may get influenced by others and their way of dealing with people. For instance, if you see some influencers on social media abusing people or teasing them just for fun, you also try to copy that. Maybe the influencer’s intentions are not to harm the sentiments, but we don’t really understand that and try to adopt them. This does not support the cause of peace making and peace building . What does is treat everyone equally and with dignity. We may not know what a person is feeling at the moment or going through. So, we should always be careful in the way we tre