
Showing posts from March, 2022

Significance of Working Collaboratively for Spiritual Formation, Justice, and Peace

  There is no doubt about how Christian spiritual formation leads individuals or communities toward a deeper desire for justice and peace for all God's creations. Contributing to a more just Church and society is all about realizing, following, and adopting one fact that all people are created equal in the image of God. It is all about working together, helping, caring, and respecting others while developing spiritual formation for justice,  peace making, and peace building .   Recently, terms like' spiritual direction, 'discipleship', and 'spiritual formation, can be read and heard very often. These terms are used in conversation very frequently and every now and then. But do we actually understand the exact meaning of those terms? And are we actually practicing any of those for real? Let us understand more about this.   Spiritual direction refers to a relationship between the people seeking a more Christ-like life. And it is a relationship between one person and a