Find The Inner Peace And Justice In The Chaos

Peace and justice are two fundamental assets of community building, personal growth, and the survival of the planet. To ensure productive, meaningful lives and sustainable societies, advancing peaceful coexistence is at the heart of many faiths, practices, and cultures. Hence peace seeking and developing the feeling of justice are necessary for achieving inner happiness in the chaos of the outer world. 

Just writing about peace making and providing a definition of peace is not enough. There is a need to step in towards some practical aspects of life to strengthen our community. Developing and spreading peace is a base for avoiding any kind of conflict between two boundaries, persons, communities, and societies. Peace in the world can be set when the soul of each human being is at peace and feels justice. Violence can never lead to any destination. However, there is always a dead end as a result of wars.

There are organizations and people working to build peace all over the world. Speakers like Sheila Wise Rowe spread thoughts like peacebuilding, truth telling, and bringing justice to the world. Every big change has a little start. Inner peace is not something that you can achieve overnight; it takes time. But slowly, the change in you will inspire many people to bring peace to society and see it as a little start.

Justice is a universal thing. It is a fundamental right of every living thing on this planet. But it's not that easy. Systems that bring injustice rely on their ability to remain invisible to the general public. Those who have never been harmed directly through injustice or inequality will never understand this. Let alone acknowledge their existence and build a powerful system of justice.

In the journey of finding inner peace and justice, spirituality can help you a lot. Bishop Todd Hunter is a church planter and a spiritual person. People like them bring positivity to the environment by working towards the spiritual formation, peacebuilding, and developing justice. Spiritual formation will help you discover the real you, your abilities and will motivate you towards peace making.


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