Importance of Spiritual Formation for Peace Making

Spiritual formation is the need of the hour! In the present world and for mankind, it is important to work on spiritual formation together for peace seeking and making. In order to understand the formation of spiritualism, it is necessary that we must not confuse it with the term discipleship. So let us understand both in detail.


One of the growing terms is discipleship. Basically, it refers to the process of devoting oneself to a teacher. The aim is to learn from a teacher and become more like them by learning the teachings of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, spiritual formation is a process of the triune God transforming the believer's life and character toward life. It is an ongoing process of transforming one's life and character of Jesus Christ in the context of the biblical community.


What makes this process different from the term discipleship is its inclusion of the process of both growth and change. Learning is completed only when it is followed by growing and bringing optimistic changes to make peace and do justice to others and for others.


It becomes necessary to understand that we are sinners in need of a Savior. The centre for spiritual formation serves the same purpose. It brings individuals, groups, organizations, and communities together so they can work and serve others.


There are speakers (famous and experienced personalities) who deliver motivational speeches, including the experiences of their lives and events or incidences they have been through. People can access those talk series online. They can subscribe to watch speakers' motivational and inspirational speeches to gain knowledge and understand the core meaning. This way, they can implement what is necessary for peace making.


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